Friday, June 4, 2010

Justin Bieber: Why He Sickens Me

Justin Bieber. Those two words inspire a fear in my soul, screaming out in pain, and telling me "dear god, cover your ears!" Don't get me started on him. Her. He/She. The stupid hair, the stupid music, the stupid way he talks. I'm sure he's a decent person. Maybe. But I'm just pissed off that people think he's so amazing when his music could kill an elephant in its tracks. Can you actually believe that a bunch of little kids almost mob him to death every time he goes to a concert?? He's the next Jesse McCartney, guys. Should we be afraid for the future? Why do all of these girls think he's pretty? I just want to shoot him in his face to improve his looks! The very first time I listened to his music I thought it was a lesbian singing. I was all- hey, right on, lesbian singer- and then this chick is all- that's not a lesbian! That's Justin Beiber! He's ammmaaazzinngg! And I'm thinkin'- WTF that's a DUDE what's wrong with his genitalia?? Did someone drop a bag of bricks on his junk? What is his mother feeding him? Now I'm sure if I ever met him in person, I would probably think.. he SUCKED. Based on the interviews and stuff I've read on him, he's a shallow piece of crap sixteen year old that looks like he's still twelve. He's a womanizer already, and he's just a little teenager. He actually made Seventeen magazine, which doesn't suprise me, because Seventeen magazine is what all the stupid little betches read to jack off to. I sincerly hope that this crap never reaches my own children's ears, and if it does, I'm going to beat them with the CD to install a sense of fear of his face. That's all I have to say.