Friday, June 4, 2010

25 Things that PISS ME OFF

1. When people IM you just to say "what's up" like three times a day. It hasn't changed! If I haven't messaged you, it's not important! FUCK!
2. When you are walking down the street (or hallway if you go to school) and dumb bitches gotta talk smack. If you don't know me, don't open your fucking trap! I do have quite a bit of anger problems, and true- I've never blown up on anyone before- but you don't want to be there when I do. Trust me.
3. When little fourteen year old boys make up alter egos to have endless cyber sex with other little fourteen year old girls. If you are so ugly you need an alter ego, just give it up.
4. When you are all stoned and someone comes and fucks up your high by messing with you.
5. Apps on Facebook. I go back after I empty them and there's like fourty more there! I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT FARMVILLE! IF I WANTED A COW, I'D GET ONE FOR REAL!!
6. When people tell you to do something when you ask them, and then get pissed off when you do it. If you didn't want me to do that, then say so. THIS ISN'T FRANCE!!
7. When someone pulls in front of you and then starts going ten under the speed you were going.  Why couldn't you just do that- BEHIND ME?! That's a novel idea!
8. When a teacher flunks you when you are only two points from passing. JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVEN'T GOTTEN LAID IN YEARS- DOES NOT MEAN YOU HAVE TO TAKE IT OUT ON ME!! D:< I might have worked harder than normal for that D. Jeez.
9. Guys that I see making out with like five chicks in one day.
10. When random guys message me on myspace asking me my bra size. WHATS YOUR BRA SIZE??!
11. Ostriches!!
12. Justin Bieber. Stupid bint.
13. Edward Cullen, that magnificent poof.
14. When they try to make a movie about a book and you don't know wtf is going on.
15. When your friends smoke all your weed.
16. When your friends eat all of your food- after smoking all your weed.
17. When people come over to your house and start going through your shit.
18. When people say they are going to be there, and they never show up. Or call. Or have a pliable reason, like getting hit by a car, or mauled by angry man-eating armadillos.
19. When your friends mess with your car radio when you didn't tell them they could. I mean, i'm not going to pay a lot of attention to that- but don't make a habit of it, or I'll smack your arm off.
20.  People who's reason for existance revolves around that piece of shit book, Twilight. Edward Cullen is a fictionary character, and he will never love you! Accept it!!
21. Emails from Mormans, trying to convert you.
22. When people put signs in your yard about Jesus because they think you worship Satan.
23. When people throw temper tantrums.
24. When people have no sense of humor. At all.
25. When you are driving down the road, and all of a sudden- BAM! There's a frickin' cow there, and you have to swerve around it or perish. Fix your fence, dude!! Some of us are kind of high, here- and it takes a great deal of skill to swerve around a cow!!

Note to reader: Not generally so angry, I'm just ranting. I do that. Fucking cows.


seany sean of doom said...

lol nice hey if you want or need some fillers feel free to use mine i have 10 rants and a list of funny quotes you can use on myspace

TheWolfsongComatoseL2N1 said...

Alrighty, man fer sure. :D

Anonymous said...

Damn mormons...I feel your pain...